Nimbus Weekender W9


W9 je namijenjen onima koji traže dobro opremljen, brz dnevni gliser sa očitim Nimbus DNA-om; brod za one koji cijene funkcionalni skandinavski dizajn, jednostavnost, sigurnost i pažljivo odabiru detalje.


Novi W9, je reinterpretacija klasičnog Nimbus dnevnog glisera, namijenjen onima s aktivnim životnim stilom. W9 je brzi dnevni gliser i vikend brod za društvene aktivnosti koji nudi smještaj za 4 osobe. W9 može biti opremljen unutarnjim ili vanbrodskim motorom. Pogladajte videozapis kako biste saznali više o Nimbus W9

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Među elementima dizajna koji će se lako prepoznati su interijer koji ima mnogo sličnosti s 26 Epoca i 32 Ballista, široka prednja paluba za dodatnu sigurnost i jednostavnost ukrcavanja i iskrcavanja, značajka Max II, dizajn bočnih prozora sa modela 22 Spectre, dizajn i funkcionalnost okvira prozora s integriranim platnenim poklopcem otvora s modela 350 Drophead, zrakom podmazivan stepenatsti trup uveden u Nimbus obitelj s R serije još 2000-te godine i još mnogo toga.

“Pažljivo smo odabrali neke od najistaknutijih karakteristika naših najprodavanijih brodica, pažljivo doradili dizajn i razvili novu funkcionalnost kako bi život učinili što lakšim i udobnijim za sve ljude na brodu. W9 je nasljedio velik dio svog dizajnerskog jezika i elemenata s naših starijih ikoničnih modela” objašnjava Jaocim Gustavsson, glavni dizajner u Nimbusu.


Trup W9 modela je dugačak, s oštrim pramčanim dijelom i relativno ravnim trupom na krmi. Nimbusov razvojni tim namjerno je uložio sve napore da bi održao nisko težište i postigao povoljan omjer dužine i širine zbog čega je W9 izuzetno stabilan i siguran brod na moru. Novi trup čini W9 jako brzim, s maksimalnom brzinom od +40 čvorova.

“Naš cilj je bio osigurati da brod bude siguran i harmoničan pri svim brzinama, posebno pri brzinama od 20-35 čvorova, te maksimalan prag ravnanja broda. Oni koji su do sad testirali W9, doživjeli su upravo to. Činjenica da zbog izvrsne uravnoteženosti, stabilnosti i dobro definirane vodene linije -brod ostaje izrazito suh i bez pretjeranog prskanja, te samo povećava osjećaj sigurnosti. Svakako se čini da smo uspjeli” govori Mats Jacobsson, tehnički director u Nimbusu.

“Svjesni smo važnosti zadovoljavanja potreba veće ciljane skupine nudeći brodove velike fleksibilnosti za različita područja primjene temeljene na jednoj platformi. Kako danas izgledaju ove potrebe, razlikuju se od cjelogodišnjeg prijevoza sjevernom Norveškom do kratkih brzih jednodnevnih izleta Mediteranom, i svega između toga. Također smo svjesni da se zahtjevi motora razlikuju ovisno o namjeni i upotrebi broda. Zbog toga kupac može sam odlučiti između dizelskih ili benzinskih, unutarnjih ili vanbrodskih motora”, objašnjava Jonas Göthberg, komercijalni direktor u Nimbusu.


W9 ima nagrađivani Nimbus dizajn bočnih prolaza. To plovilu pruža pregršt prostora za svoju veličinu, a ujedno mu omogućuje sigurno kretanje oko broda I po pramcu. Čisti prolazi oko cijelog broda podižu sigurnost kako u luci tako I u plovidbi na moru. Dizajn pramca je nov I rezultat je želje da se vodena linija spusti što niže da bi se postigle željene karakteristike za što ugodnije krstarenje. Kut pramca olakšava smještaj prednjeg sidrenog vinča (vitla) I smanjuje rizik od sudara pri pristajanju na stijene.

Kokpit pruža zaštitu svima na brodu svojim velikim prednjim prozorom. Unutarnji izgled I raspored namještaja posebno je osmišljen za društvene aktivnosti I zabavu u različitim situacijama. Jedna od značajnih osobina W9 je neobična lakoća kojom možete promjeniti potrebe broda, na primjer kada je vrijeme za kupanje nakon izvrsnog obroka na brodu.

“Prijelaz s jedne aktivnosti na drugu često može biti komplicirano, što zahtjeva podizanje, čišćenje, odvijanje, zavijanje komponenti te uklanjanje ili postavljanje jastuka. Na brodu W9 potrebno je samo nekoliko jednostavnih radnji za promjenu funkcije broda iz blagavaonice u prostor za sunčanje I plivanje” kaže Jaocim Gustavsson.

Tehničke karakteristike

Na poveznici u nastavku pronaći ćete tehničku specifikaciju koju možete pregledavati i preuzimati gdje ćemo vam objasniti i pokazati slike, značajke i funkcionalnost i više od Commuter 9. Uživajte!

Nimbus W9 - Knjižica 2020

Joacim Gustavsson

Glavni dizajner u Nimbusu

“Nimbus W9 je promišljeno dizajnirano plovilo koje nudi odgovarajuću funkcionalnost onima koji traže prostrano, brzo, cjelogodišnje plovilo, ali bi isto htjeli putovati tajno na duljim putovanjima ili kratkim izletima”


  • Brzina +40 čvorova, krstareća 25-35 čvorova
  • Dizajn bočnih prolaza
  • Dostupan s unutarnjim ili vanbrodskim motorom
  • Dostupan sa T-topom i sa vise rješenja za nadstrešnicu
  • Dupli krevet u pramcu
  • Kabina sa integriranom ventilacijom
  • Oštar dio pramca koji savršeno siječe more
  • Potpuno novi stepenasti dizajn trupa s zračnim podmazivanjem

  • Prozor kabine sa integriranim rješenjima nadstrešnice
  • Sunčalište na pramcu sa integriranim jastucima/ prekrivalima
  • Upravljačka ploča sa 9″ pa sve do 16″ navigacijom ili dupla 12″ navigacija
  • Velika blagavaonica/ s sudoperom u kokpitu te hladnjak od 65 litara
  • Velika L sofa u kokpitu koja se pretvara u površinu za sunčanje po danu, a noću u dupli krevet
  • Veliki izbor dodatne opreme


Dužina preko svega 9,35 m
Širina 2,95 m
Gaz 0,4 m
Težina 2 800 kg
Max. broj osoba 8
CE kategorija C
Kabine 1
Vezovi 2+2
Kapacitet tanka goriva 320 l
Kapacitet tanka vode 56 l
Kapacitet taknka crne vode 40 l
Maksimalna brzina 44 kn
Krstareća brzina 20-35 kn


  • Bow thruster (Pramčani potisnik)
  • Bračni krevet
  • Frižider 65 litara
  • Galley
  • Inox ograda
  • Mercury Verado 250 PS (BIJELA )
  • Paket rasvjete
  • Simrad navigacija Go 9″
  • Tank pitke vode
  • Tapet i dekorativni jastuci
  • Tuš na krmi
  • Zipwake dynamic system za trim motora


  • Mercury Verado V8 250 PS
  • Mercury Verado V8 300 PS
  • Mercury Verado V10 350 PS

Nimbus 305 Drophead


Nimbus 305 Drophead - nowy rodzaj cruisera, doskonały na weekendowe i kilkudniowe wyprawy. Łódź została zbudowana w oparciu o nową koncepcję Smart Speed, aby zapewnić maksymalny komfort dla wszystkich na pokładzie, przy każdej prędkości. Wyposażenie i funkcjonalności zaprojektowano w sposób pozwalający na organizację różnego rodzaju aktywności na pokładzie.


305 Drophead to otwarty jacht, zbudowany na tej samej platformie co wielokrotnie nagradzane 305 Coupé. Oznacza to stylistycznie czysty, skandynawski design skoncentrowany na prostocie obsługi i przemyślanych rozwiązaniach funkcjonalnych.

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Smart Speed ??charakteryzuje się kadłubem zaprojektowanym do komfortowej jazdy przy prędkościach od 0 do 22 węzłów. Kadłub nie ma wyraźnego progu ślizgu i działa z dobrą oszczędnością paliwa przy wszystkich prędkościach. Prędkość można dostosować do warunków morskich, co oznacza większe bezpieczeństwo, lepszy komfort i najlepszy możliwy sposób na doświadczenie otaczającego krajobrazu. Podobnie jak jej siostra, 305 Coupé, łódź może być wyposażona w silnik elektryczny Torqeedo.

? ?Niektórzy lubią szybko jeździć, gdy są za sterami, ale bardzo niewielu lubi to, gdy podróżuje zbyt szybko na morzu.
Głównym pomysłem tego modelu jest to, aby wszyscy na pokładzie dobrze się bawili i towarzysko spędzali czas podczas podróży i pod gołym niebem?, powiedział Joacim Gustavsson.
305 Drophead to otwarty cruiser, zbudowany na tej samej platformie, co nagradzany 305 Coupé. Oznacza to stylistycznie czysty skandynawski design skupiony na prostocie użytkowania i sprytnych, funkcjonalnych rozwiązaniach.
? ?Prostota to hasło przewodnie w naszym procesie projektowania.

Skandynawski design

305 Drophead praktycznie w całości emanuje skandynawskim designem, a materiały zostały dobrane z dużą starannością. Wnętrze łodzi wyróżnia się czystą jakością, jest przestronne i lekkie. Jacht wyposażono w zintegrowaną wentylację, a pokryte jasnymi materiałami ściany redukują hałas. Mahoniowe oprawy tworzą piękny kontrast z lakierowanymi powierzchniami, zapewniając ciepłą atmosferę. Oświetlenie zaprojektowano tak, aby zagwarantować zarówno komfort jak i efektywność. Pod pokładem znajdują się dwie kabiny – główna dziobowa i boczna, oraz łazienka z toaletą i prysznicem.


Tekstylia są wykonane z przędzionego poliestrowego akrylu, materiału, który jest nie tylko wytrzymały i odporny na działanie soli i słońca, ale także miękki i wygodny do użytkowania. Dostępne kolory tapicerki to jasny niebieski i beżowy. Kolorystyka i współczesne wzory poduszek podkreślają wyposażenie pomieszczeń. Na życzenie klienta dostępne jest wnętrze w lakierowanym mahoniu z tekstyliami w jasnym skandynawskim beżu lub klasycznym morskim błękicie z zastosowaniem tkaniny technicznej Sunbrella w kolorze jasnoniebieskim. Całe oświetlenie wykonane w technologii LED.

“Tekstylia zostały starannie dobrane. Powinny być nie tylko estetyczne, ale także odporne na słońce, słoną wodę i intensywne użytkowanie. Tekstylia Sunbrella słyną z odporności na działanie czynników atmosferycznych i promieni UV bez wpływu na kolory i właściwości użytkowe. Pokrowce na poduszki mogą być prane w pralce, co jest pożądane przez naszych klientów”, mówi Joacim Gustavsson.

Joacim Gustavsson

Główny projektant w stoczni Nimbus

“Z 305 Drophead zwracamy się do tych, którzy planują wspaniałe i swobodne rejsy, kładąc nacisk na relacje towarzyskie, gdzie prędkość nie jest najważniejszym czynnikiem”


Użytkowanie, utrzymanie i obsługa Nimbusa powinny być proste i bezproblemowe. Prostotę można czasem pomylić z czymś mniej komfortowym i słabiej wykonanym, ale dla nas oznacza to coś wręcz przeciwnego. 

“Każdy na pokładzie powinien czuć się bezpiecznie i komfortowo wiedząc, że potrzebna do obsługi funkcja jest dostępna tam, gdzie powinna się znaleźć i że naprawdę działa. Wiemy, że tylko wtedy ludzie będą mogli naprawdę cieszyć się żeglugą i towarzysko spędzać czas na pokładzie”, mówi Joacim Gustavsson.

Jednym z przykładów jest elektrycznie sterowane płócienne zadaszenie, które po naciśnięciu jednego przycisku składa się do kasety umieszczonej w ramie okiennej – proste i eleganckie”. Rozłożony, płócienny dach osłania cały kokpit, czyli ster, aneks kuchenny i salon.

Czteromiejscowy stół w jadalni łatwo przekształca się w dodatkową, podwójną koję. Przednią kanapę można odwrócić w kierunku kursu, aby dwie osoby mogły podróżować zwrócone do przodu. Kokpit i pokład rufowy nawiązują do siebie dzięki świetnemu doborowi materiałów oraz dużej 6-miejscowej U-kształtnej sofie rufowej.

W kokpicie znajduje się w pełni wyposażony, aneks kuchenny z lodówką o pojemności 65 litrów. Jacht wydaje się być szczególnie przestronny, ponieważ platforma kąpielowa, pokład i kokpit zostały zbudowane na tym samym poziomie. 

Materiały użyte do konfiguracji kokpitu i pokładu rufowego zostały starannie dobrane tak, aby zapewnić elegancką i komfortową atmosferę, a jednocześnie być tak wytrzymałym i bezobsługowym, jak to tylko możliwe.

Gotowy do rejsu

  • Ploter Simrad 9″ NSS, Evo 2
  • Przewód zasilający i ładowarka Mastervolt 35A
  • Ster strumieniowy dziobowy SE 60
  • Zbiornik czarnej wody z elektryczną pompą

  • Ogrzewanie Eberspracher D4
  • System ogrzewania wody o pojemności 22 litrów
  • Klapy trymowe
  • Komputer Volvo Penta Trip
  • Głębokościomierz


Długość 10,07 m
Szerokość 3,25 m
Zanurzenie 0,9 m
Waga 4000 kg
Max. ilość osób 8
Kategoria CE B
Kabiny 2
Łóżka 4+2
Pojemność zbiornika paliwa 280 l
Pojemność zbiornika wody 150 l
Silnik 1 x Volvo Penta D3 220 KM
Max. prędkość 22 węzły
Prędkość przelotowa 16-18 węzłów


Pojemność zbiornika paliwa 250 l
Pojemność zbiornika wody świeżej 150 l
Pojemność zbiornika wody ciepłej 20 l
Pojemność zbiornika wody czarnej 80 l
Uruchomienie akumulatora 1 x 12V x 77 Ah
Akumulator serwisowy 3 x 12V x 80 Ah
Akumulator serwisowy Heavy Duty 1 x 12V 77 Ah
Częstotliwość 50 Hz
Moc brzegowa 230V AC
Ładowarka 230 V 16 A
Torqeedo Deep Blue i 1800 obr/min
Volvo Penta D3-110 81kW (110 KM)
Volvo Penta D3-150 110kW (150 KM)
Volvo Penta D3-220 164kW (220 KM)

Standardowe wyposażenie

  • Aneks kuchenny z ceramiczną płytą grzewczą i lodówką o pojemności 65 litrów
  • Oświetlenie LED
  • Łóżko typu Queen
  • Gniazda 12V
  • Platforma kąpielowa 
  • Drabinka kąpielowa
  • Stół na pokładzie rufowym

  • Zautomatyzowany system przeciwpożarowy
  • Gaśnica
  • Łazienka z toaletą, umywalką i kabiną prysznicową
  • Dywany i poduszki dekoracyjne
  • Materace rufowe i dziobowe
  • Kosz na odbijacze
  • Flagsztok
  • Apteczka

  • Uchwyty na napoje
  • Relingi i uchwyty wykonane z kwasoodpornej stali nierdzewnej
  • Manualna i elektryczna pompa zęzowa
  • Zestaw narzędzi NIMBUS
  • Zestaw naczyń i sztućców NIMBUS
  • Zbiornik czarnej wody z elektryczną pompą
  • Sygnał dźwiękowy
  • Spryskiwacze i wycieraczki szyby czołowej

Nimbus 305 Coupé


Sturdy, smart functionality in an attractive design and with elegant lines for families, bons vivants and inveterate seafarers. Apart from a number of improvements and smart functional solutions, it's below deck that the greatest innovation is to be found.

Smart speed hull design

The biggest news is the boat’s hull, which has been developed and optimised for speeds from 0 to 22 knots. It is made for smaller engines (Volvo Penta D3), Torqeedo fully Electrical and built to run equally comfortably irrespective of speed. The hydro-dynamic shape of the hull means that the boat has no planing threshold at all.

See movie

Hull design

The biggest news is the boat’s hull, which has been developed and optimised for speeds from 0 to 22 knots. It is made for smaller engines (Volvo Penta D3), Torqeedo fully Electrical and built to run equally comfortably irrespective of speed. The hydro-dynamic shape of the hull means that the boat has no planing threshold at all.

At Nimbus our concern is that a boat should run comfortably at the speeds at which it is used. We know that Coupé owners are fond of cruising at speeds

from 4 to 20 knots, when normally boats produce large wake burn a lot of fuel. For the 305 Coupé we have designed a hull that rides comfortably throughout the entire speed range. In practice, the 305 has no real planing threshold and returns low fuel consumption at all speeds. Speed can be adjusted to weather conditions, which provides better safety, comfort and the best possible ride from which to appreciate your natural surroundings, said Mats Jacobsson, product development manager at Nimbus.

Based on the same Scandinavian design philosophy as her popular and award winning sisters 405 and 365 Coupé, the 305 Coupé will mark a new entry into Nimbus – popular Coupé series featuring the “sidewalk” concept.

“Sidewalk” is an asymmetrical deck layout where the side deck along the starboard side is extra wide and provides safe and generous freedom of movement. It becomes convenient and enjoyable to move about on-board from bow to stern, and easy to get on and off the boat along the entire starboard side. Maximum use is made of the interior volume, allowing the cockpit, saloon, lower deck and cabin to be larger than would otherwise be the case in a boat of this size. An important feature of the Nimbus sidewalk design concept is the large flush fitted sliding door to starboard. The sliding door provides quick access when docking alongside and enables manoeuvring the boat from a standing position on the side deck.

The helm has been maximised to provide the greatest possible flexibility and can be equipped with accessories according to individual requirements. Glued windows with a large, curved windscreen provide a great panoramic view. The saloon features large flat surfaces and is both light, airy and cosy, thanks to choice of materials and LED-lighting. The large glass roof and roof hatches provides generous light. A dinette solution provides plenty of room for four people and converts easily into a double berth. The dining table folds down into a cocktail table with glass holders, making the saloon a handy place for socialising. The galley is equipped with ceramic gas heated glass hob with integrated ventilation, Corian top, 65 litres refrigerator and extra refrigerator/freezer box below sofa (option).

Joacim Gustavsson

Chief designer at Nimbus

“Textiles have been carefully selected. Not only shall these be pleasantly attractive but also withstand sun, salt water and hard wear. As option textiles are from Sunbrella and renowned for withstanding hard climates and UV rays without colours and performance being affected. The cushion covers are machine washable, this being a demand among our customers.”

Fun, relax or dining

The aft deck shares the same level as the bathing platform and saloon. It has a generously sized, comfortable L-shaped sofa for five persons with foldable seating. The dining table folds down into a cocktail table with glass holders with stainless steel handles. Perfect for relaxing or social activities with friends and family.

The interior of the boat is of wonderful quality and atmosphere, particularly in regard to space and light. The boat has integrated ventilation and five large opening port lights for extra light intake. Upholstered bulkheads in light colours help to reduce noise. The boat has two cabins, an owner’s cabin (available with Queen bed or V-bed) and a guest cabin, sharing a common head with shower.

In all, the 305 Coupé is a contemporary, super-functional boat with reduced environmental impact and which is perfect for an uncomplicated and enjoyable life at sea. The boat is built in Sweden at the Nimbus yard in Mariestad.

Technical specification

At the link below you’ll find a brochure including technical specification, images, features, functionality, and more on the 305 Coupé.

305 Coupé - Brochure 2020

Quick facts

  • Sidewalk design with large flush fitted sliding door in starboard side.
  • An underwater body that eliminates the planing threshold and facilitates comfortable driving at speeds from 0 to 22 knots with lower fuel consumption.
  • Polyurethane glued windows in the superstructure and a large wrap around windscreen provide a contemporary look, exceptional stability and a quiet saloon.
  • Helm position with great flexibility ? can be equipped with accessories according to individual requirements.

  • Opening port side/passenger window.
  • Reversible passenger sofa, turns saloon into a dinette with comfortable seating for up to 4 persons.
  • Very generously sized and comfortable L-shaped sofa on aft deck.
  • Integrated ventilation for owner´s cabin and toilet on foredeck.
  • Main cabin available with Queen bed or V-bed.
  • Five large opening port lights.
  • Generously sized sun cushion on foredeck.
  • Integrated bow ladder folds down into anchorbox.

Technical Specification

Lmax, Overall lenght 10,07 m
Bmax, Overall beam 3,25 m
Ha, Air draught 3,65 m
Tmax, Draught 0,90 m
MLCC, weight 4100 kg
Fuel Capacity 250 l
Fresh Water Capacity 150 l
Hot Water Capacity 20 l
Waste Capacity 80 l
Max Passengers 8
CE Category B
Cabins 2
Berths 4+2

Electrical system 12 V and 230 V
Start Battery 1 x 12V x 77 Ah
Service battery 3 – 6 x 12V x 80 Ah
Service battery Heavy Duty 1 x 12V 77 Ah
Frequency 50 Hz
Shore power 230V AC
Battery charger 12V 35A
Engine Alternatives
Torqeedo Deep Blue i 1800 rpm Cruise 5,5 – 6,5
Volvo Penta D4-270 Shaft 270 hp



  • Plotter Simrad 9″ NSS, Evo 2
  • Shore power and battery charger Mastervolt 35A
  • Bow thruster SE 60
  • Depth / Log in Volvo instrument
  • Electric pump-out of septic tank
  • Heater system Ebersprächer D4

  • Hot water system 22 litre
  • Defroster
  • Intervall viper
  • Sunblind, internal Coupé roof
  • Trimtabs
  • Volvo Penta Trip computer

Standard Equipment

  • Kitchen with 65 l refrigerator and ceramic gas top
  • LED lights
  • Queen bed
  • 12 V electric outlet
  • Anchor box with drainage
  • Bathing platform with anchor box
  • Bathing ladder
  • Table on aft deck
  • Seafire automatic fire-fighting system
  • Manual fire extinguisher
  • Shower in toilet room / Shower cabin
  • Cushions in deck saloon
  • Cushions in cabins
  • Cushions on aft deck
  • Electrical panel with fuses
  • Electrical engine controls
  • Sea chart compartment
  • Fender holders or fender box
  • Flagpole
  • First-aid-kit
  • Glass / bottle holder in dashboard

  • Grab rail in stainless steel
  • Compass
  • Manual and electric bilge pump
  • Marine varnished mahogany interior
  • Carpets in cabins
  • Nimbus toolkit
  • Nimbus cutlery and crockery
  • Nimbus Décor Pillows
  • Pulpits and bollards in stainless steel
  • LED navigation lights
  • Septic tank with deck outlet
  • Signal horn
  • Self-bailing aft deck
  • Vacuum-infused sandwich laminate with divinycel core
  • Skylight on deck with curtain
  • Step-light aft deck and side-walk
  • Toilet room and WC
  • Hidden windshield wiper and washer
  • Extended curtesy light in cabin and deck saloon

Nimbus 365 Coupé

Izvrstan i svestran

Međunarodno nagrađivan svestran brod vrhunske kvalitete, gdje su druženje i ostale aktivnosti na brodu kombinirane s odličnim drugim krstarećim karakteristikama. Model 365 posvećen je funkcionalnom dizajnu i napravljen je za svjesne jahtaše koji cijene jednostavnost, udobnost i sigurnost ali i za obitelji koje žele uživati u savršenom vikend krstarenju.


Redizajnirana i profinjena verzija nagrađivanog modela 365 sa “side walk-om” brod je posebno dizajniran za obitelji koje uživaju u zabavi i žele putovati na dugim udaljenostima dok žive na brodu u udobnosti i stilu. Fokus razvoja bio je na poboljšanju funkcionalnosti i daljnjem povećanju udobnosti na vozilu, jednostavnosti uporabe i fleksibilnosti.

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Najprivlačnija karakteristika novog broda je njegov izgled. Novi 365 ima puno moderniji naglasak, te sportske konture naslijeđene od njegovih prethodnika 305 i 405. Naravno namjera je bila dati brodu novi izgled, više u skladu s ostatkom Coupe karakteristikama ali iznad svega je pitanje poboljšane funkcionalnosti.

Primjeri ovog funkcionalnog i poboljšanog dizajna su jače stranice branika, poboljšana preglednost s upravljačkog sjedala, novi D trup s integriranom ventilacijom, dvostruki otvori na krovu s više pripadajućeg svijetla u salonu, produženi krmeni krov za bolji zaklon od vremenskih utjecaja te lakšim rukovanjem nadstrešnicom (tendom), nova poboljšana bočna vrata te redizajnirani špirun sa poboljšanom funkcionalnošću i sigurnosti.

“S našim novim Coupe modelima potpuno se približavamo mlađoj ciljanoj skupini kupaca koji daju prioritet jednostavnosti, kvaliteti i druženju. Ovaj process je započeo s predstavljanjem dizajna bočnog prolaza na 365 Coupe-u, koji je osvojio nagradu European Powerboats 2012. Godine. Od tad svi novi modeli Coupe-a sa bočnim prolazima su bili nominirani ili su osvajali nagrade za taj dizajn. Pozitivni smo gledajući u budućnost i osjećamo sigurnost znajući da imamo niz izvrsnih modela koji su funkcionalni i kupci ih žele”, rekao je Jonas Gothberg, Marketing menadžer u Nimbusu.

Joacim Gustavsson

Glavni dizajner u Nimbusu

“Kako smo usmjereni prema svjesnim i često dobrim poznavateljima brodova i obiteljima koje zapravo koriste svoje brodove, u Nimbusu uvijek dajemo prioritet funkcionalnosti ispred dizajna. To nazivamo funkcionalnim dizajnom, nešto što je duboko ugrađeno u Nimbusov DNK. Istovremeno, težimo da naši brodovi budu što ljepši.”


Unutrašnjost modela 365 nudi originalnu kvalitetu s prekrasnim tamnim mahagonijem stvarajući ugodan kontrast svijetlim lakiranim površinama i daje osjećaj topline. Brod ima dvije kabine, glavnu kabinu I kabinu za goste s zajedničkim toaletom. Inovacija je da su obje kabine opremljene visokim ormarima, ormarima za povećanu količinu spremanja. Pregrade u kabinama su prekrivene tkaninama koje apsorbiraju svjetlost. LED rasvjeta u brodu dobro je osmišljena i stvara ugodan osjećaj interijera kao i funkcionalan. Integrirana ventilacija stvara značajnu razliku u cirkulaciji i kvaliteti zraka.

Dostupan prostor u salonu je maksimaliziran s više svjetlosti te prostraniji nego u prethodnom modelu. Glavni razlog za ekstra veliki stakleni krov te dva velika šibera (električni ili ručni) sa integriranim sjenilima je obilje prirodnog svijetla. Salon ima velike ravne površine koje daju osjećaj elegancije dizajna. Okretna putnička sofa ima prostora za dvije odrasle ili jednu odraslu osobu i dvoje djece. U-sofa u salonu je velika, ima prostora za četvero ljudi za ugodan obrok ili za šest ljudi da uživaju u odmoru i piću. U-sofa se lagano pretvori u prostrani dupli krevet. Brod ima laminirane prozore s velikim lučnim prednjim vjetrobranskim staklom, novim podesivim kliznim vratima uz bočni prolaz i potpuno otvarajući prozor lakši ulazak.


365 Coupe je drugi najveći model u nagrađivanoj Nimbusovoj “side-walk” Coupe seriji. Koncept bočnog prolaza pruža velikodušnu slobodu kretanja, čini ulazak i izlazak s broda jednostavnim i sigurnim, a uz to i prolazak oko broda čini izuzetno laganim. Brod je opremljen i robusnim inox držačima koja čine kretanje još sigurnijim i velikim integriranim prostorom za sunčanje na provi broda. Skriven na bočnoj strain nalazi se otvor tanka goriva, odvod septičkog tanka i poboljšan sustav odvodnje.

Brod ima veliku krmenu platform koja je na istoj razini kao platform za kupanje i salon. Visoka ograda i masivna vrata platform za kupanje daju osjećj sigurnosti. U usporedbi s prethodnim modelima, L kauč nudi bolji komfor zahvaljujući većoj dubini i boljoj podršci. Stol je također veći. Brod je također prilagođen za manji motor kako bi zadovoljio stroge ekološke zahtjeve poput onih za Bodensko jezero. Opremljen s jednim motorom Volvo Penta D4-260, brod postaje lakši i ekonomičniji.

365 Coupe je brod koji odgovara iskusnim brodovlasnicima, obiteljima i ljudima koji se vole zabavljati. Onima koji cijene jednostavan životni stil i komfor na moru u dužem period. Brod je proizveden u Švedskoj u Nimbus brodogradilištu u Mariestad.


Mat obloge koje smanjuju odsjaj, držači za sigurnost u teškim vremenskim uvjetima i fleksibilna instrument ploča koja može biti opremljena jednim velikim 16 inčnim sonderom ili s dva manja. Sve površine su obrađene matiranim lakom koji ujedno odbijaju svijetlost (reflektirajući odsjaj) i lako se brišu. Bočna desna vrata pružaju pristup palubi uz izuzetno lako otvaranje.  Držači od nehrđajućeg čelika su podjeljeni u sredini što omogućuje bolji i sigurniji ulazak i izlazak s broda. Čitav brod je opromljen LED rasvjetom.


Nova modularna kuhinja pruža više prostora za pohranu i širi spektar mogućnosti za ispunjavanje individualnih potreba. Opcije uključuju plinsku, električnu ili indukcijsku ploču, pećnicu ili mikrovalnu pećnicu, dodatni ekstra prostor za hladnjak 36 lit, zamrzivač ili ormarić. Kuhinjski ventilator ili dodatni viseći ormarić su također opcija.

Tehničke karakteristike

Na poveznici u nastavku pronaći ćete tehničku specifikaciju koju možete pregledavati i preuzimati gdje ćemo vam objasniti i pokazati slike, značajke i funkcionalnost i više od 365 Coupe. Uživajte!

365 Coupé - knjižica 2020


  • 24″ TV/DVD sa električnim nosačem za podizanje
  • električna pumpa septičkog tanka
  • električni toilet x2
  • navigacija Simrad 12″ NSS
  • odleđivač
  • prednji potisnik SE 80 (Bow thruster)
  • Radio Fusion 205 USB / 3,5 mm AUX
  • sjenilo za sunce

  • sustav grijanja Eberspracher D5
  • sustav tople vode 40 lit
  • tikovina
  • trimovi , Volvo Penta BTS
  • vanjsko napajanje i punjač akumulatora  Mastervolt 50A
  • vinč
  • Volvo Penta putni kompjuter


Dužina preko svega 11,56 m
Širina 3,50 m
Gaz 1,14 m
Težina 6391/6914 kg
Max. broj osoba 8
CE kategorija B
Kabine 2
Vezovi 4+2
Kapacitet tanka goriva 700 l
Kapacitet taknka vode 270 l
Otpadni tank 120 l
Tank za toplu vodu 20 l

12V I 230 V
Akumulator za startanje 5 x 12V x 80 Ah
Servisni akumulator 5 x 12V x 80 Ah
Servisni akumulator Heavy Duty 2 x 12V x 77 Ah
Frekvencija 50 Hz
Vanjska snaga 230V AC
Punjač akumulatora 12V 35 A

Volvo Penta D4-260 191 kW (260 PS) V-Max 20 kn
Volvo Penta D6-370 272 kW (370 PS) V-Max 25 kn
Volvo Penta D6-435 320 kW (435 PS) V-Max 28 kn
Volvo Penta 2 x D4-225 330 kW (450 PS) V-Max 28 kn
Volvo Penta 2 x D4-260 382 kW (520 PS) V-Max 30 kn
Volvo Penta 2 x D4-300 442 kW (600 PS) V-Max 32 kn


  • 12V Utičnice
  • aparat za gašenje požara
  • bowsprit ( Špirun)
  • brisač vjetrobranskog stakla
  • držač čaša/ boca
  • električna kontrola motora
  • električna ploča s osiguračima
  • holdtank s izlazom na palubi
  • jarbol za zastavu
  • jastuci (NIMBUS dizajn)
  • jastuci , na palubi
  • jastuci u kabini
  • jastuci u kokpitu
  • keramička ploča za kuhanje
  • kompas
  • kožni upravljač
  • kuhinja sa sudoperom
  • kuka za brod
  • kutija prve pomoći
  • navigacijske lampice od nehrđajućeg čelika
  • navlake , jastuci na palubi
  • NIMBUSOV alat
  • NIMBUSOV pribor za jelo i posuđe
  • nosač bokobrana

  • odjeljak za nautičke karte
  • ormar za hladnjak/ zamrzivač
  • otvarač tanka za gorivo od nehrđajućeg čelika
  • platforma za kupanje sa spremištem za sidro
  • ploter karta/ GPS Simrad NSE 12″
  • putno računalo Volvo Penta
  • R dizajn instrument ploča
  • ručkice mahagonij/ nehrđajući čelik
  • ručna i električna kaljužna pumpa
  • samohodna krmena paluba
  • signalna sirena
  • skylight na palubi sa zavjesom
  • spremište sidra s odvodom mora
  • stepenice za kupanje
  • stol na krmi
  • svjetlo za hodanje na krmi
  • tapecirane kabine
  • toalet i WC
  • tuš na krmi
  • tuš u  toaletu/ Tuš kabina
  • unutrašnjost od lakiranog mahagonija
  • zapisnik i sonder
  • zavjese u crnoj boji

Nimbus 405 Coupé


The Swedish built Nimbus 405 Coupé is the largest boat in the Nimbus Coupé Series, which includes the 305 Coupé and 365 Coupé. The 405 Coupé is built using the same 'sidewalk' concept as the award winning 365 Coupé and which was voted 'European Power Boat of the Year 2012'

The flagship has arrived

Timeless beautiful lines meet strict design and clever functionality. Nimbus Coupé series has been refined to perfection since 1969 and sold more than four thousand boats around the world. With Nimbus Coupé series we strive to build the perfect boat for the conscious customer who enjoys social activities comfortable living easy handling and excellent long distance cruising properties.

See movie

Timeless beautiful lines meet strict design and clever functionality.

The boat has many similarities to her smaller sisters but offers several new features; Nimbus Design Team has added several interesting aesthetic and functionally integrated details. These include twin touch screens at the helm, room for five to ride facing front, a new D-pillar with integrated ventilation, wholly glazed aft deck door, electric powered table on the aft deck and a ‘granny hatch’ that conceals a mains power plug on the stern. Other innovations include newly designed engine room ventilation in the hull sides with powered extractors, galley with ceramic gas hob and dark composite worktop, 120 litre capacity fridge plus extra cool storage in pull-out drawers beneath the saloon sofa and much more.

We would never build a boat that is not considered practical in her natural element. Although we always try to make her as beautiful as possible. It is a balancing act. It is always easier to design beautiful lines if you don’t need to take functionality into account. Our customers are very conscious and they appreciate our designs because they understand that we build crafts that are actually used at sea and not only look good in pictures or at boat shows. That is the secret of our success, said Joacim Gustavsson, head designer at Nimbus Boats Sweden AB.

Sidewalk design

‘Sidewalk’ is an asymmetrical deck layout where the side deck along the starboard side is extra wide and provides generous freedom of movement. It becomes convenient and enjoyable to move about on-board from bow to stern, and easy to get on and off the boat along the entire starboard side.

Maximum use is made of the interior volume, allowing the cockpit, saloon, lower deck and cabin to be larger than would otherwise be the case in a boat of this size. An important feature of the Nimbus sidewalk concept is the large flush fitted sliding door to starboard. The sliding door provides quick access when laying alongside and enables manoeuvring the boat from a standing position on the side deck. The sidewalk concept also allows the use of the aft deck for various activities. And on the foredeck the extra space is used to integrate a large sun deck as a natural feature of the boat?s design.

We focus on the conscious customer with experience of the sea who requires a large portion of comfort and safety. What is interesting about our coupé concept is that it has such an ‘all round’ quality, where socialising and other on-board activities can be combined with excellent long cruising characteristics. Our coupé boats in particular has enabled us to reach out to both new and younger customers internationally. It has become apparent that our coupé boats are not just for the older generation who prioritise functionality and comfort, but also for families and for younger people who want both fun and to voyage securely and safely, said Jonas Göthberg, marketing manager.

All laminate in the boat is vacuum injected at the Nimbus boatyards in Mariestad, Sweden. Everything from hull, deck, superstructure, interior laminated surfaces and hatches. ‘Divinycell’ is used in the sandwich laminate, providing excellent insulation properties from both heat and cold and transports condensation away very efficiently. ‘Innerliner’ and ‘headliner’ are built entirely of glass fibre. The result is easy-to-clean, smooth surfaces in the stowage lockers, stowage areas, sides and ceiling. The vacuum injection method, in combination with high quality material and multilayer woven glass fibre matting, result in a hull and laminate that is insulated, strong and light.

Mats Jacobsson

Technical Director at Nimbus

“We consciously focus on those who set high standards, and we normally use double moulds (inner and outer moulds) to provide solid, high quality finishes. This provides the optimum feeling of quality and is easy to keep clean and smart. It was always taken for granted that we should use vacuum injection technology, not only because of advantages in quality, but from the environmental standpoint”

More qualities and functionality

Polyurethane glued windows in the superstructure and a large wrap around windscreen provide a very contemporary look, exceptional stability and a quiet saloon. The helm has been re-modelled and the instrument panel is fitted with twin 12 inch plotters. Visibility is exemplary owing to uncluttered surfaces (nothing gets in the way), matt finish anti-reflecting materials and integrated folding wipers. Large flush-fitted sliding door at the helm and large sliding glass roof with integrated sun blinds.

Seating for four to five facing front. Divided into two seats at the helm and two-three seats the reversible passenger sofa (the reversible passenger sofa was developed in the seventies for the Nimbus 26 and has been constantly developed and refined ever since).
Much effort has been utilised to maximise function and atmosphere of the lighting aboard the boat in both interior and deck areas. LED lighting is used throughout with dimmers for selected areas. Red navigation lamp at the chart table.

The saloon has an open Scandinavian layout with large flat surfaces and is light and airy, roomy and modern, but made cosy at the same time by special lighting, wood fittings and attractive seating and cushion covers. The beautifully finished joinery in the saloon and cockpit exude a wonderful feeling of handcraft and quality. The large U-sofa seats 6-8. The dining table folds down into a cocktail table with glass holders, making the saloon a handy place for socialising.

Concealed ventilation provides a better inside climate and reduces damp and humidity owing to good air circulation in all cabins.
The module designed galley (60CC) allows customised installations such as micro, electric hob, dishwasher, choice of ovens (electric or LPG). The galley is fitted with a fan that can be installed in the upper cupboard above the hob.

The interior of the lower deck is a surprisingly spacious and well-fitted area. The bulkhead is upholstered in light fabric that increases the feeling of space while absorbing sound. There are three two berth cabins, one master cabin with ensuite bathroom, the other two cabins sharing a shower and head. Light flows in through the master cabin skylight and provides a feeling of space. The light flowing down between the instrument panel and windscreen is a new feature of the 405 and lends the lower deck area a light and roomy ambience. An extra wardrobe is fitted on the lower deck.
The boat has a generously sized and comfortable aft deck with an extra-large, L-shaped sofa. The electrically powered folding table converts into a sunbed. The after deck shares the same level as the bathing platform and saloon.

The large, sturdy bowsprit is combined with a stainless steel pulpit for safe and easy boarding and/or loading. Anchor box hatch in the bow. Integrated bow and stern windlass in stainless steel frame. Easy to get at and reduces the risk of stubbed toes.

Drive train & engine compartment

The drive shaft with tunnel system is a well proven technology and has several advantages. The straighter shaft angle makes for a more efficient power line and thereby lower fuel consumption and more speed. Better course stability at low speeds and shallower draught.

Boat Trim System is standard and functions like trim tabs but with higher efficiency, speed and is automatic. An upgrade to Humphree Interceptor System is also available.

Automatic mechanical ventilation in the engine room reduces the temperature and extends the life length of the engines and provides the best conditions for problem-free boat ownership.

Generous sized, strongly constructed aft stowage, aluminium lined and fitted behind the engines.

In all, the 405 Coupe is a modern, solid and functional boat perfect for an uncomplicated and enjoyable life at sea and causing a minimum of environmental impact. The 405 is built in Sweden at the Nimbus yard in Mariestad.

Technical specification

At the link below you’ll find a brochure including technical specification, images, features, functionality, and more on the 405 Coupé.

405 Coupé - Brochure 2020


  • Plotter Simrad 12″ NSS
  • Anchorwinch el bow
  • Shore power and battery charger Mastervolt 50A
  • Bow thruster SE 80
  • Depth / Log in Volvo instrument
  • Electric toilet x 2
  • Electric pump-out of septic tank
  • Heater system Ebersprächer D5
  • Defroster

  • Intervall viper
  • Hot water system 40 liter
  • Radio Fusion 205 USB/ 3,5mm aux
  • Sunblind, internal Coupé roof
  • Teak, complete boat
  • Trimtabs, Volvo Penta BTS
  • Volvo Penta Trip computer
  • 24″ TV/DVD with electrical lifting bracket

405 Coupé

Mass and weight
Lmax, Overall length 13,33 m
Bmax, Overall beam 3,86 m
Tmax, Draught 1,05 m
MLCC, weight 9 397 / 9 647 kg
Fuel Capacity 2 x500 l
Water Capacity 2 x200 l
Hot Water Capacity 40 l
Waste Capacity 135 l
CE Category B8/C12
Max people 12
Cabins 3
Berths 6

Electrical system 12 V and 230 V
Start Battery 2 x 12V x 95 Ah
Service battery 4 x 12V x 80 Ah
Service battery Heavy Duty 3 x 12V x 95 Ah
Frequency 50 Hz
Shore power 230V AC
Battery charger 12V 50 A

Engine alternatives
Volvo Penta 2 x D4-225 330 kW (550 ps) Missing data
Volvo Penta 2 x D4-300 442 kW (600 ps) V-Max 28 kn
Volvo Penta 2 x D6-370 544 kW (740 ps) V-Max 32 kn


Standard Equipment

  • 12 V electric outlet
  • Anchorbox with drainage
  • Bathing platform with anchor box
  • Bathing ladder
  • Bowsprit
  • Table on aft deck
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Boat hook
  • Aft shower
  • Shower in toilet room / Shower cabin
  • Cushions in cockpit
  • Cushions in cabin
  • Electrical panel with fuses
  • Electrical engine controls
  • Sea chart compartment
  • Fender holders or fenderbox
  • Flagpole
  • First-aid-kit
  • Cushions in cabin
  • Glass/bottle holder in dashboard
  • Grab rail mahogany / stainless steel
  • R design instrument panel
  • Compass
  • Fridge/Cooler box
  • Log and sounder
  • Manual and electric bilge pump

  • Marine varnished mahogany interi
  • Carpeting in sleeping cabins
  • Black-out curtains
  • Nimbus toolkit
  • Nimbus cutlery and crockery
  • Galley with sink
  • Plotter / GPS Simrad NSE12
  • Pillows (Nimbus design)
  • Pulpits and bollards in stainless steel
  • Stainless steel fuel tank
  • Stainless steel navigation lights
  • Holdingtank with deck outlet
  • Signal horn
  • Cushion, aft deck
  • Self-bailing aft deck
  • Leather steering wheel
  • Sandwich laminate
  • Skylight on deck with curtain
  • Step-light aft deck
  • Toilet room and WC
  • Ceramic gas hob
  • Windshield washer
  • Cover, aft deck coushins
  • Volvo Penta Trip computer

Nimbus 405 Flybridge


The 405 Flybridge is a Nimbus Coupé model built for knowledgeable boating people who enjoy social activities, comfortable living quarters, ease-of-handling and excellent long-distance cruising properties.

This is the Nimbus Flybridge 405

We have put an extraordinary amount of work into layout and design in order to ensure an optimal flybridge. Not only to create a beautiful boat, but also to provide multifunctional social spaces with the right ambience. – Joacim Gustafsson, Chief designer at Nimbus

Modern Scandinavian design

The flybridge has been constructed to harmonise fully with the design of the new coupé series. The roof has light, sweeping lines and incorporates the characteristic folding mast. A large, fixed skylight makes the saloon very light and airy despite the superstructure.

The flybridge features several cleverly functional and social spaces.
We have put an extraordinary amount of work into layout and design in order to ensure an optimal flybridge. Not only to create a beautiful boat, but also to provide multifunctional social spaces with the right ambience, said Joacim Gustafsson, head designer at Nimbus.

The flybridge includes a wet bar, with sink, grill and fridge, sun bed, large sofa and a twin helm seat. The twin seat can be turned through 180 degrees and thus form a roomy social seating group together with the sofa. If required the sofa can be easily converted into an additional sun bed.

All functions on the flybridge have been designed to allow the boat to pass beneath bridges after a few simple adjustments. Thanks to the “sidewalk” deck layout, walking space is maximised on the starboard side, making it very easy to get on and off the boat and to spend time on deck, while allowing generous space in cockpit and cabin.

The Nimbus Coupé series has been built since 1969 and more than four thousand of these boats have been sold worldwide. The 405 Flybridge is built in Mariestad at the Nimbus boatyard.

Welcome to the world of Nimbus

See movie

Sidewalk design

“Sidewalk” is an asymmetrical deck layout where the side deck along the starboard side is extra wide and provides generous freedom of movement. It becomes convenient and enjoyable to move about on-board from bow to stern, and easy to get on and off the boat along the entire starboard side.

Maximum use is made of the interior volume, allowing the cockpit, saloon, lower deck and cabin to be larger than would otherwise be the case in a boat of this size. An important feature of the Nimbus sidewalk concept is the large flush fitted sliding door to starboard.

The sliding door provides quick access when laying alongside and enables manoeuvring the boat from a standing position on the side deck. The sidewalk concept also allows the use of the aft deck for various activities. And on the foredeck the extra space is used to integrate a large sun deck as a natural feature of the boat?s design.

Superstructure and saloon

Polyurethane glued windows in the superstructure and a large wrap around windscreen provide a very contemporary look, exceptional stability and a quiet saloon. Visibility is exemplary owing to uncluttered surfaces (nothing gets in the way), matt finish anti-reflecting materials and integrated folding wipers. Large flush-fitted sliding door at the helm and large sliding glass roof with integrated sun blinds.

Seating for four to five facing front. Divided into two seats at the helm and two-three seats at the reversible passenger sofa (the reversible passenger sofa was developed in the seventies for the Nimbus 26 and has been constantly developed and refined ever since).

The saloon has an open Scandinavian layout with large flat surfaces and is light and airy, roomy and modern, but made cosy at the same time by special lighting, wood fittings and attractive seating and cushion covers. The beautifully finished joinery in the saloon and cockpit exude a wonderful feeling of hand craft and quality. The large U-sofa seats 6-8. The dining table folds down into a cocktail table with glass holders, making the saloon a handy place for socialising.

The module designed galley (60CC) allows customised installations such as micro, electric hob, dishwasher, choice of ovens (electric or LPG). The galley is fitted with a fan that can be installed in the upper kitchen cupboard above the hob.

The interior layout is and furniture arrangement is specially designed for social activities and entertaining in a variety of situations.

Properties and functionality

Boat Trim System is standard and functions like trim tabs but with higher efficiency, speed and is automatic. An upgrade to Humphree Interceptor System is also available.

Automatic mechanical ventilation in the engine room reduces the temperature and extends the life length of the engines and provides the best conditions for problem-free boat ownership. Generous sized, strongly constructed aft stowage, aluminium lined and fitted behind the engines. In all, the 405 Coupe is a modern, solid and functional boat perfect for an uncomplicated and enjoyable life at sea and causing a minimum of environmental impact. The 405 is built in Sweden at the Nimbus yard in Mariestad.

Interior and cabins

The interior of the lower deck is a surprisingly spacious and well-fitted area. The bulkhead is upholstered in light fabric that increases the feeling of space while absorbing sound. There are three two berth cabins, one master cabin with en suite bathroom, the other two cabins sharing a shower and head. Light flows in through the master cabin skylight and provides a feeling of space. The light flowing down between the instrument panel and windscreen is a new feature of the 405 and lends the lower deck area a light and roomy ambience. An extra wardrobe is fitted on the lower deck.

Drive-train and engine compartment

The drive shaft with tunnel system is a well proven technology and has several advantages. The straighter shaft angle makes for a more efficient power line and thereby lower fuel consumption and more speed. Better course stability at low speeds and shallower draught.
“Boat Trim System” is standard and offers higher efficiency and speed. An upgrade to Humphree Interceptor System is also available.

Generous sized, strongly constructed aft stowage, aluminium lined and fitted behind the engines.

Insulated, strong and light

All laminate in the boat is vacuum injected at the Nimbus boatyard in Mariestad, Sweden. Everything from hull, deck, superstructure, interior laminated surfaces and hatches. “Divinycell” is used in the sandwich laminate, providing excellent insulation properties from both heat and cold and transports condensation away very efficiently. “Inner liner” and “head liner” are built entirely of glass fibre. The result is easy-to-clean, smooth surfaces in the stowage lockers, stowage areas, sides and ceiling. The vacuum injection method, in combination with high quality material and multilayer woven glass fibre matting, result in a hull and laminate that is insulated, strong and light.

Technical specification

On the link below you’ll find a browsable and downloadable technical specification where we’ll explain and show you images, features & functionality and more of the 405 Flybridge. Enjoy!

405 Flybridge - Brochure 2020


All Nimbus models are equipped with a specially designed "ready-to-cruise" package. It contains all the extra equipment you need to start cruising and enjoy your boat from day one.

  • Plotter Simrad 12″ NSS
  • Anchorwinch el bow
  • Shore power and battery charger Mastervolt 50A
  • Bow thruster SE 80
  • Depth / Log in Volvo instrument
  • Electric toilet x 2
  • Electric pump-out of septic tank
  • Heater system Ebersprächer D5
  • Defroster

  • Intervall viper
  • Hot water system 40 liter
  • Radio Fusion 205 USB/ 3,5mm aux.
  • Sunblind, internal Coupé roof
  • Teak, complete boat
  • Trimtabs, Volvo Penta BTS
  • Volvo Penta Trip computer
  • 24″ TV/DVD with electrical lifting bracket


Overall lenght 13,33 m
Overall beam 3,86 m
Draught 1,1 m
Weight 9655 kg / 9905 kg
Fuel tank capacity 2 x 500 l
Fresh water capacity 2 x 200 l
Hot water capacity 40 l
Black water capacity 135 l
CE category B/C
Max. of people 8/12
Cabins 3
Berths 6

Electrical system 12 V and 230 V

Start Battery 2 x 12V x 95 Ah
Service battery 4 x 12V x 80 Ah
Service battery Heavy Duty 3 x 12V x 95 Ah
Frequency 50 Hz
Shore power 230V AC
Battery charger 12V 50 A


Standard Equipment

  • 12 V electric outlet
  • Anchorbox with drainage
  • Bathing platform with anchor box
  • Bathing ladder
  • Bowsprit
  • Table on aft deck
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Boat hook
  • Aft shower
  • Shower in toilet room / Shower cabin
  • Cushions in cockpit
  • Cushions in cabin
  • Electrical panel with fuses
  • Electrical engine controls
  • Sea chart compartment
  • Fender holders or fenderbox
  • Flagpole
  • First-aid-kit
  • Cushions in cabin
  • Glass/bottle holder in dashboard
  • Grab rail mahogany / stainless steel
  • R design instrument panel
  • Compass
  • Fridge/Cooler box
  • Log and sounder
  • Manual and electric bilge pump

  • Marine varnished mahogany interior
  • Carpeting in sleeping cabins
  • Black-out curtains
  • Nimbus toolkit
  • Nimbus cutlery and crockery
  • Galley with sink
  • Plotter / GPS Simrad NSE12
  • Pillows (Nimbus design)
  • Pulpits and bollards in stainless steel
  • Stainless steel fuel tank
  • Stainless steel navigation lights
  • Holdingtank with deck outlet
  • Signal horn
  • Cushion, aft deck
  • Self-bailing aft deck
  • Leather steering wheel
  • Sandwich laminate
  • Skylight on deck with curtain
  • Step-light aft deck
  • Toilet room and WC
  • Ceramic gas hob
  • Windshield washer
  • Cover, aft deck coushins
  • Volvo Penta Trip computer


  • Volvo Penta 2 x D4-225 330 kW (550 PS)
  • Volvo Penta 2 x D4-300 442 kW (600 PS)
  • Volvo Penta 2 x D6-370 544 kW (740 PS)