There?s more than meets the eye
The idiom of Bella 500 BR reveals the essential; the user experience has been the driving force ever since the concept stage. This modern and stylish boat is a pleasure to the eye and comes with a comprehensive set of standard equipment. The steady frame and practical layout enable enjoyment on everyone?s own terms, without any compromises.
Pure driving enjoyment and convenience
For day cruising, water sports and commuting
Plenty of storage space
12V DC output
Anchor box, 3 pcs
Bilge pump, manual
Canopy storage
Cushions, cockpit aft
Fender basket, 2 pcs
Fire extinguisher
Fixed fuel tank 105 l
Hydraulic steering
L-shaped bench in rear
Mug holders, 6 pcs
Multifunctional passanger seat (BB)
Navigation lights
Offshore-seat for driver
Option for chart plotter, max 40 cm x 21 cm
Rails and fittings stainless, acid proof steel
Rain draining cockpit
Speed controller for trolling
Storage compartment under deck 130 cm x 50 cm x 30 cm
Storage space and 12 V power plug for cool box
sunbed, aft
Swim ladder
USB charging socket, 2 pcs
White hull colour